Today, Monday, finds me once again sitting in my nice comfy chair in front of my 'puter, a nice hot cup of coffee at my elbow. I know, right! I like to live dangerously! I'd never accidentally knock it over onto my keyboard. I have so much more to tell you, so many more pictures to show you, much more than there was space or time for in yesterday's letter blog. But before we get into all that just let me say that this morning, once I was rested, I found a ton of mistakes in yesterday's blog. Okay five. I found five. A missed word here, an added word there, an apostrophe where it's got no business being, and in at least one case a wrong word! OY! Writing is work! And when I get busy tapping out words on the keyboard I never think about how a word is spelled, I just think the word and let my fingers do the spelling. Sometimes my fingers pick out a word I spell a lot instead of listening to my brain tell it what word I want — oh those rebellious fingers! — and I'll read it the way it was supposed to have been written — oh those traitorous eyes! Case in point, I wrote it instead of in. But don't go looking for it in the blog! I fixed it. Just know that I don't have a proofreader and do the best I can.
I took so many pictures last week. So many! And I like to show lots of different kinds of pictures since you are all unique and special. What appeals to one may not appeal to another. Sometimes I'm really surprised by which pictures you think are the cat's meow.
"Yeah, yeah!" you say. "That's all well and good but what's the deal with the blurry ones?"
I sometimes can't tell when a picture is blurry or if it's just these old Cadillac riddled eyes. My time is coming! One of these years I'll get them taken care of. For now you'll just have to understand and forgive me. And I know you do — even before I ask.
I mentioned that I could've named the last letter blog Quotes then only told you one of them. I meant to circle around and pick up the other one and didn't.
"Well, tell us Peg!" you say. "Don't keep us in suspense!"
I know, right. And I did already tell you, I just didn't point it out or tell you what an impact it's had on me. In my letter blog Making of a Goodie Box, I was talking about homemade bread and how I hadn't baked it quite long enough. When I asked my Miss Rosie if it could be put back in and baked longer, she didn't know.
"Miss Rosie! I was kinda counting on you for the answer!"
"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you what I don't know."
And there you have it. I can't tell you what I don't know, she said. For whatever reason, it sticks in my head and I look for ways to use the same sentiment.
Mike fed the deer and stood at the door as they came to eat. "How many are there?" he yells to me.
I'm at my computer, glance up at the monitor, and count. "Six!" I yell back.
"There's nine!" he informs me.
"I can't count what I can't see!" Ah, Miss Rosie! You inspire me!
Another time, "I can't remember what I never knew." I think Miss Rosie said that one and I don't remember the circumstances around it.
There have been other times I've used it too but can't think of them at the moment. Besides, I'm sure you get the idea.
And here I sit, jibber-jabbering away when we have tons of pictures to get to and tons of news too!
You might remember these shirts hanging on the line from the last letter blog. I like both views and showed you the best but I like this one for the flag pallet art.
See the star on the far hill?
Two views of the same farm. I think there's merit in both shots.
Oh my gosh! Check this guy out! Isn't he cool — and clever! I saw it as we drove past and convinced Mike to turn around so I could get a picture.
I can't get over the stark difference in the next two photos. Two different creeks, taken on the same day, within miles of each other and one looks like spring, the other like the dead of winter.
And now we are back on roads more familiar, more oft traveled (yes, I know I used the poetic version of often.)
Check out this dog. It makes me sad to see a dog chained out, all alone, since dogs are pack animals and love us more than they love themselves. But I know that not all dogs housed outside are neglected or even unhappy. Someone cared enough about this guy to put a shirt on him.
Nothing like living right on the creek — until a flood comes along! It looks like they lost the whole back deck in last year's flooding.
What is this! I've caught a glimpse of it several times as Mike sped past at a hundred miles an hour. It was a while before I was able to remember where it was and that I even wanted a picture of it. I'd seen the wild green hair, the cape across the shoulders, the long thin legs, and thought it was something like a Kachina yard sculpture someone put together. Now that I have the picture and can pause to look at it, to really study it, I'm wondering just exactly what it is.
I told you, if you leave your garage door, barn door, or any other door open when I'm around, you may just see your stuff on display for all the world to see.
We saw several of these signs popping up along our roadside.
"What's that all about?" Mike asked like I should know. I admit, I know lots of stuff but I don't know about this.
I asked my best girl, my ray o' sunshine, my girl Joanie. "The school board wants to outsource the janitorial work and people are up in arms about that. They did that with the bus drivers and a lot of them lost their jobs," she told me.
Is this deer damage? Anyone know?
One of Mike's toes turned red and the sores started to come back. He made an appointment with a podiatrist this time. On the way to our morning appointment we saw DOT has once again taken their usual spots along US 6.
"You only see them out when the weather's nice," Mike commented. And it seems that's true.
On the way home from the doctor's appointment they had a crane pulled over.
But I'm a little ahead of myself — and have a very good reason for doing so. This picture of the clouds over Towanda was up next but wouldn't fit on my page. So I needed a picture to fill in until I got a new page. Look at those clouds!
Mike, as it turns out, has athlete's foot.
"We were using athlete's foot medicine and it was getting worse. Why didn't it work and why doesn't it look like it did before?" I asked. And by before I meant last year when Mike had gotten it and we knew what it was.
"Different strains of bacteria cause it to look different and different strains need different medicines to treat them," he told us.
I'm just relieved it's not anything too serious, although left untreated athlete's foot can lead to other things like toenail fungus.
This little girl sees my camera. It was a beautiful day, my window was down, and Ginger had her head out the window. Ginger hair is what all the out of focus stuff is on the right side of the picture.
What I was after was a shot of the garage behind the house she was in.
There's a lot going on at this house!
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Old crane.
Dark clouds over the Luby house. Actually, it's over the Kipps — but it's heading our way!
And here's one thing Mike wanted a new tractor for. We had part of the pad in front of our garage door tore out and a new one poured. His old tractor couldn't handle these.
And look what came in the mail! Not one but two new clocks! Mike isn't really into collecting the miniatures. He didn't ask the size of this little brass airplane clock and the picture was deceiving.
We followed this guy down Welles' Mountain. By the time he got to the bottom, his brakes were smoking! And talk about stink! Whew!
I saw there was something in the water and I was thinking they were ducks. I can see now it's just pieces parts of a tree. I really like the lighting in this photo.
An open door!
DOT. Another of their hangouts. You can almost always see them parked here under 220 — on nice days.
Another open door!
With warmer weather comes the critters. I don't mind spiders. They eat lots of bugs. I don't know where this guy came from but I found him in the sink after I wiped down my counter. I picked him out and went to get my camera when he high-dived off my hand and landed in the animal's water bowl. He curled into a ball and sank. I fished him out and he was so traumatized that he was slow to unfold his legs or even move around very much. I took his picture and took him outside.
The Red-wing Blackbirds are back! I haven't seen any Robin's yet.
And while we're talking about birds and spring, let me remind you that this is the time of year to throw your eggshells out under your feeders — or anywhere the birds will find them. Not your boiled egg shells though, the raw ones from baking or making scrambled eggs.
"Why?" you ask.
Some birds, like Blue Jays, need extra calcium for nesting season and will raid the nests of other birds and eat their eggs.
I saw a Hairy Woodpecker. The same one as before or another, I don't know.
I finished this hummingbird. As you may guess, I had a great time adding the beads. Then sat back and wondered if I overdid them. I asked tons of people and no one thought I had. Until I showed it to Miss Rosie.
"You want my honest opinion?" she asked.
"Always!" We're friends like that.
"Maybe a little."
I thought so too and either everyone else really does like it or were afraid they'd hurt my feelings. You don't do anyone any favors when you don't tell the truth, or you could end up with more of the things you don't really care for.
Coming home from church I had it tucked inside my Bible case. My cell phone was in there too and those two didn't play well together. I broke the suncatcher. Now I have a legitimate reason to rework it.
How about a couple of sunset pictures to end this one with?
And let's call it done!
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