Thursday, September 17, 2015

Photos 9-4 to 9-10

Leaf suspended in web

Grass is flowering


Black and white feather

I'm getting good at photographing armadillo butt


Don't know if these will flower

Then I found a more mature one with a bug on it.
It looks like it's going to do something but whether it just seeds or flowers, I don't know yet.

Rough blazing star.
I think they're pretty.

Ironweed and bee



Someone told me they like these old posts, so here's another one.

More ironweed.

It's not the bull thistle, it's called tall thistle

Starting to get dark at the end of my walk
(At least on this day)

 Poke weed with sunflowers in the background

Tiny jumping spider
(Another view of the one Andrew almost swatted on my arm.)

Another tiny spider

I think it's an aster, but not completely sure and it's ragweed in the foreground

If it's a swallowtail, he lost the swallow on his tails!
I think it's something else.

Black faced vultures.
I read these guys will chase off the turkey vultures which makes them bad guys
And they will also kill baby animals, like calves.
That makes them really bad guys!

Thistle on a different day.
I have to photograph something!

Same kind of butterfly as before, but different day.
He about ran me over so I would take his photo and he sat for me for a long time.

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