Sunday, December 10, 2017

Christmas Cookie Party

          My oh my, oh my.
          Another week gone by.
          I'm not sure where it went, but I know this — it's gone.
          Mike and I did make a shopping trip to Athens/Sayre this past week and that's usually good for a few pictures....
          This week I only picked out one to show you. Geese on the Susquehanna.

          We've been working on the feral cat house, but it's not done. We still have to construct the roof and figure out what we're going to use for a door.
          "What's the holdup?" you ask.
          Mike has been having all kinds of issues with his health this past week and that's really unusual for him. He hardly ever gets sick at all.
          Early in the week he thought he was coming down with the flu again, body aches, cough, shivers, lack of appetite, and a slight fever, but whatever he had passed in about twenty-four hours — except for the lack of appetite. He still has that. Then he had a spell of just not 'feeling right' and tremors in his hands.
          "Should I call for a doctor's appointment?" I asked. "Find out what's going on with you?"
          "No," Mike answered quickly.
          He didn't even take time to think about it, but I trust him to know when he needs to go to the doctor.
          "Well, I know that tremors can be a side effect of some medications, and sometimes it's just an age thing," I tried to console him.
          "Could it be Parkinson's?" he asked.
          "I don't know, but I know that people with Parkinson's disease often shake. Do you want to go to the doctor?" I asked again.
          "No," he answered quickly again.
          It passed as well, but then, here at the end of the week, he's developed a backache so bad that's he's not resting at night and can hardly get up from a sitting position. So the cat house will just have to wait until he's feeling better.

          I found an interesting article in our local newspaper about the recent bear hunting season here in Pennsylvania.
          In our county, they harvested (killed) 28 bears. They listed by name some of the people who killed bears and I spotted at least one female name on the list. They listed some of the biggest bears and where they were taken. Bears weighing five, six hundred pounds! The record was estimated to be 700 pounds this year.
          What do you think they'll do with the bears they 'harvested'? Eat them? Or just stuff them?


         On Friday, Smudge was already in the house when the Kipps stopped by for a morning visit. Rosie's florescent can-you-see-me-now walking vest slipped from her jacket and onto the floor. Smudge claimed it. He laid down on it and stayed there. When Rosie was ready to leave she had to fight Smudge for it — and he wasn't letting go of it either!

          Jessica, one of the ladies at my church, 

organized an event for the ladies of Moxie.

          Friday night about 20 ladies, ranging in age from pre-school to retired, brought plates, and tins, and Tupperware, and boxes, and bags, and buckets and buckets of cookies! 

          The evening started with a prayer and then we filled our plates with all kinds of cookies! Thank goodness Jessica saved us from a sugar overload by making a spinach dip stuffed bread stick Christmas tree, which, by the way, was yummy, yummy, yummy!

          "And ridiculously easy to make," Jessica told us.
          When it was time for the ornament exchange, names were drawn from a bowl. When your name was called, you could choose one from the table.

         When my name was drawn, I asked one of the little girls to pick one for me. When I unwrapped it, I was delighted to see that Lydia had picked one of Jessica's fabulous homemade ornaments for me. You can see the love and care that was put into making this ornament and I'm thrilled to have it. But I have to confess, all of the ornaments were just  fabulous! So beautiful and so creative. I'd have been thrilled no matter which one I'd gotten.

          But I also have to confess that I was hoping for one of Jessica's. She'd been posting pictures on Facebook all week long as she was making them. I thought the ones made from blue jean pockets were really cute and clever too.
          "You could tuck a gift card down inside the pocket," someone suggested.

          When Jessica's name was drawn, she chose and unwrapped the bell I'd brought.

          I didn't choose mine and Jessica was in the kitchen when I got there so she didn't know which one I'd brought.
          A happy accident?
          A coinkydink?
          I don't know but I don't think it happened to anyone else but us that night.

          I did decorate for Christmas this year. Something I haven't done in more than fifteen years.

          And with that, as short and sweet as this one is, let's call it done.

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