Sunday, June 26, 2016

Bits Of Nature II

This week has been a week full of stories!
And pictures!
Lots and lots of pictures!
First, my current desktop photo, a black-eyed Susan.

Second, greetings and salutations to you. It has been a long time since I’ve wished you happiness and health, so let me do that now.
I hope this letter blog finds you happy and healthy.
The last time I wrote I told you of our adventures going to Pennsylvania and back again. The story became so long (twenty-eight pages when printed) that I broke it into two chapters. I didn’t finish the story either, saving a little for next time — er,  this time.
Guess what?
“On this date in history, June 25-26, 1876  Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer was killed in the Battle of Little Big Horn?”
Wow. I’m impressed you knew that. But no, that’s not what I was going to say. What I was going to say is that I’m not going to finish the rest of the story this time either.
“Why not, Peg?” you ask.
Really, truly, and in all honesty, I don’t have the time. The stories are rattling around in my head and I need to get them out, but we have been so busy this past week that I’ve had no time to sit and write. So let’s do this. Let’s finish up the photos I didn’t get to use in Bits Of Nature; there are more than thirty of them, and I’ll get busy this week writing the new stories, if you think you’d like to hear them.
Bits of Nature, Eastward Ho and Westward Ho bring us up to June eleventh, even though I didn’t get the stories written and published until a week later. I’ve taken over 2,300 photos since then and I’ve sorted out about a hundred new ones to show you, some for the stories and some just photos.
A summer azure. I just love these little guys!

Black bee fly?

Pearl crescent.

I don’t know but they have a pretty green color.

This guy just watched as the girls and I quietly approached. I will never know how close we could have gotten because a car came down the road and scared him off.

Northern water snake. Ginger scared him from the bank and into the water. I saw him go, she didn’t.

Wild onion.

Grass flowers.

Oreo cows! Okay, their real name is belted Galloway’s, a Scottish beef cow.

Yellow iris with a bug on it.

Weepy grass.

Spotted cucumber beetle, a southern root worm in it’s larval stage.

On the same thistle was a click beetle.


Prairie parsley.

Fooled me.

Pretty ox-eye daisy’s.

Ginger sniffed out a turtle. I let her torment him for a few minutes.

This one has been in my file for a while now. Right after Mother’s Day as a matter of fact. Hmmm. Who throw the dozen roses out the car window and why? I wonder.

I know what they’re doing, but I don’t know what they are.


Young grapes

Yellow sweet clover.

Vines on a fence post.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. 
Let’s call this one done,
Lots and lots of love,
Peg and Mike

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