Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Hey everyone,

I hope this letter finds you happy and healthy.

It has been a month since I’ve written you and I totally didn’t expect to be writing a letter today, but here I sit, with thoughts of all of you in my head and in my heart.

I have been on an adventure since the beginning of May. I flew to Arizona, (on an aircraft- not my broom) hopped aboard a rented RV with Lori, a long time friend of my oldest and much adored sister Patti, drove to Pennsylvania, packed up my mother and drove her to Arizona where she will live with Patti and her handsome cowboy husband, Lee.

That is a long story short.

Once I got back here to Missouri I have been working on getting Mike and me moved into our RV. We have rented our apartment for the summer and we are hoping to be able to travel more this year, but only time will tell if that can happen. I thought we had to be out by Monday, but Mike says we don’t have to be out until later in the week. Ergo, I am spending this afternoon with you!

My current desktop is one of the many road pictures I took while on my adventure.

How many pictures did I take?

Somewhere in the 7,300 range. Now, granted, I’ve got a lot of blurred and missed shots in there and I even started deleting some of those before I did my count, but like I told Lori, as she listened to my camera go click-click-click down the 6,400 miles of the highways and byways that we traveled, “If I get a dozen good shots, I’ll be happy.” And I was really happy with the shot that is my current desktop photo.

On my computer I’ve set up a file called RV Trip and into this file I copied 152 photos with the intention of sharing them with you. So far you’ve seen one.

I also have a couple of three stories to share with you too but I have to tell you... I didn’t keep notes. We will be relying strictly on memory here. I will work on committing those stories and photos to paper and get that out to you hopefully in the near future.

In the meantime, I have a story 95% written before I left and I want to get that one finished and posted too.

But most important, I wanted to write to you today to announce two new family members and do June birthdays.

Meet Harley Quinn Flowers. Born 5/15/15, weighing in at 6 pounds 11 ounces and 19 inches long.
Harley is the granddaughter of my cousin Shannon and great-granddaughter of my beloved Aunt B.

Bristol Ann Renee Johnson is my first great-grandchild, born to my oldest granddaughter Julie and her husband Tony. She was born 5/29/15, weighed in at 6 pounds, 9 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Both are beautiful babies, don’t you think?

June birthdays:

Jessica Rose Spillers, 2nd; Marla Kipp, 6th; Alex Flowers, 7th; Dorothy Rose Bowers, 8th; Jessica Soden Pedro, 11th; Phyllis Marie Bowers, 15th; Jeremy Soden, 16th; James Barrett, 18th; Bambi Sue Bowers, 19th; David Brian Bowers, 20th; Sydney Nicole White, 20th; Joseph Gordon Soden, 27th; Suzy Wilks, 28th; twins Jordan and Jonathan Pedro, 29th; Anna V. Bowers, 30.

Lots and lots of love,

Peg and Mike